
My long term art journey is to study under the shadows of the artist of France, especially the bohemian artist of Paris, in the late 1800s, and early 1900s. I find their artwork particularly inspiring.  This journey is a mixture of studying their artwork, visiting their haunts, applying my favorite aspects of their artwork to my own style, and learning about their lives.

I am sharing my journey and the artwork that evolves from it, in hopes others will be inspired to learn more of these wonderful inspiring artist. This doesn’t follow a historical time line, as I find I study what pleases me the most on whim.

I am a professional artist and art instructor in Southern California, and have shown in galleries and shows throughout the United States.  I will be sharing both the artwork that inspires me that I find on my travels and museum visits, and my own artwork, please read the description to find out more about each work.

*Painting above is one of my own, inspired by Van Gogh’s color palette and stars.

You can see my art at Katinkabelle.com or purchase my unique postcards at Lazypandapostcards.com


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